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St.Francis Goji (Chinese Wolfberry) 50mL
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St.Francis Goji (Chinese Wolfberry) 50mL

St Francis

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  • Organic
  • Gluten Free
  • Non GMO
  • Dairy Free
  • Soy Free
  • Vegan
  • Vegetarian

Goji Wolfberry is used in Herbal Medicine: (1) as an antioxidant; (2) to support the immune system; (3) to support capillary health.

Wolfberry is used for a variety of chronic conditions and ailments. As a tonic for the eyes, Wolfberry provides therapeutic relief for various ophthalmic problems, including macular degeneration and blurred vision. It also fortifies the liver, kidneys, and blood, and acts as an antioxidant, inhibiting the effects of the aging process.

St. Francis Herb Farm's Goji tincture is certified organic.  

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