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Genestra Cal Mag Raspberry Liquid
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Genestra Cal Mag Raspberry Liquid


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Genestra Cal Mag Raspberry Liquid is a calcium and magnesium citrate formula with vitamin D.

  • Helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth
  • Helps in tissue formation and in maintaining proper muscle function
  • Helps to prevent vitamin D deficiency High bioavailability formula
  • Calcium and magnesium are delivered in citrate form, providing superior bioavailability
  • Great-tasting natural raspberry flavoured liquid format
  • Ideal for vegetarians
Cal Mag Raspberry Liquid supports bone health with a combination of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D.

Calcium citrate is an organic form of calcium that is significantly better absorbed in postmenopausal women than inorganic calcium oxide.

Magnesium citrate is a highly bioavailable form of magnesium that helps to maintain bone mineral density: in healthy young men, regular magnesium supplementation has been shown to suppress bone turnover rates.

Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorous, and helps in the maintenance of bone health. Osteoporosis Canada's guideline statements recommend a daily vitamin D intake of 400-1000 IU for low-risk adults under 50 years of age and 800-2000 IU for high-risk and older adults. Vitamin D intakes of 700-800 IU/day are associated with a decreased risk of bone fracture, in comparison with 400 IU/day.

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