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Flora Saw Palmetto Prostate Formula 60 Softgels
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Flora Saw Palmetto Prostate Formula 60 Softgels


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  • Formulated with Zinc and Vitamin B6 for Added Efficacy and Superior Absorption
  • Extract Manufactured Using Super Critical CO2 Technique Without the Use of Heat or Solvents and Resulting in a Purer and More Potent Extract
  • Dosage and Potency Matches Those of Extracts Used in Clinical Trials
  • Convenient Once per day Dosage
  • Active Constituents Include Free Fatty Acids, Phytosterols, Flavonoids and Polysaccharides
  • Reduces Enlarged Prostate Glands and the Accompanying Urologic Symptoms Such as Frequent Urination, Weak Urine Stream and Difficult or Painful Urination
  • Non GMO

Multiple clinical studies have shown that saw palmetto provides mild to moderate improvement in urinary symptoms associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) such as frequent urination, painful urination, hesitancy, urgency and perineal heaviness. What’s the “Plus”? Added Zinc and Vitamin B6 for a superior prostate health formula. Zinc has long been established as an important mineral for male fertility and sexual health.


Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) fruit lipidosterolic extract . . . 320 mg
        (standardized to contain 85-95% free fatty acids, esters & sterols)

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) . . 70 mg

Zinc (citrate) . . . 16 mg


Gelatin, glycerin, water, caramel, white beeswax and carob.

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