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Platinum Naturals Omega Super 800 Omega 3
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Platinum Naturals Omega Super 800 Omega 3

Platinum Naturals

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Easymulti® Teen Young Men provides the nutrients that teenage boys need for overall health, clear skin, strong teeth and bones, better eyesight, as well as improved mood and energy. Made with Superior Nutrient Absorption: nutrients protected in healthy oils enable your body to absorb more of what it needs throughout the day.

Recommended Dosage: Young men age 12-16 take 2 capsules daily with food.
Omega Super 800 is a highly concentrated, pharmaceutical grade omega-3 fish oil that is designed to help support cardiovascular health and brain function. Sourced from wild anchovies and sardines. With a refreshing lemon flavour.

Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Rosemary extract, natural lemon flavour, mixed tocopherols (vitamin E), gelatin, glycerin, purified water.
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Olive oil (cold pressed, extra virgin), beeswax, soy lecithin.
Capsule Ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, purified water, natural caramel colour.

Caution: This product does not caontain enough iron to seriously harm a child, but it is advisable to keep out of reach of children.

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