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A.Vogel Sinna Sinus Nasal Spray 20mL
A.Vogel Sinna Sinus Nasal Spray 20mL
A.Vogel Sinna Sinus Nasal Spray 20mL
A.Vogel Sinna Sinus Nasal Spray 20mL
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A.Vogel Sinna Sinus Nasal Spray 20mL

A. Vogel

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  • Fast acting treatment
  • Does not cause rebound congestion
  • Sugar, gluten and lactose Free
  • Clinically proven

Sinna combines homeopathic remedies that work synergistically to fight the tumefaction of inflamed and infected mucous membranes. It targets the different aspects of sinusitis as well as its main contributing factors.

Medicinal Ingredients

Hydrastis canadensis (root)....................................................6X 20%
Kalium bichromicum (mineral)................................................6X 20%
Lemna minor (herb)................................................................4X 20%
Luffa operculata (fruit)............................................................6X 20%
Hydrargyrum sulfuratum rubrum (mineral).............................8X 20%

Non-medicinal Ingredients

Isotonic solution of 0.9% sodium chloride in water buffered with monobasic and dibasic sodium phosphate. No preservatives necessary as there is no backflow of solution into the reservoir.

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