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A.Vogel Santasapina Soothing Cough Syrup 100mL
A.Vogel Santasapina Soothing Cough Syrup 100mL
A.Vogel Santasapina Soothing Cough Syrup 100mL
A.Vogel Santasapina Soothing Cough Syrup 100mL
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A.Vogel Santasapina Soothing Cough Syrup 100mL

A. Vogel

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  • Fresh wild Norway Spruce
  • Clinically proven
  • Gluten and lactose free

Used in herbal medicine to treat coughs and symptoms of respiratory catarrh (mucus secretion).

Medicinal Ingredients

Extract of fresh wild Norway Spruce
(Picea abies, shoots) (ratio 14:1)...106.67 mg,
equivalent to 1.49 g of fresh shoots;
Essential oil of Norway Spruce
(Picea abies)...0.80 mg.

Non-medicinal Ingredients

Unrefined cane sugar, honey, concentrated Pear juice.

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