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A.Vogel Ginkgoforce 50mL
A.Vogel Ginkgoforce 50mL
A.Vogel Ginkgoforce 50mL
A.Vogel Ginkgoforce 50mL
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A.Vogel Ginkgoforce 50mL

A. Vogel

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  • Ginkgo biloba is a powerful antioxidant
  • No toxic solvents have been used to extract all the active ingredients of the fresh Ginkgo biloba leaf for Ginkgoforce
  • Efficacy clinically proven 
  • Sugar, gluten and lactose free

Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest healthcare herbs known to man. Fresh green leaves from the Ginkgo biloba tree are gathered each spring to create A.Vogel’s fresh herb tincture.

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