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A.Vogel Echinaforce Junior
A.Vogel Echinaforce Junior
A.Vogel Echinaforce Junior
A.Vogel Echinaforce Junior
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A.Vogel Echinaforce Junior

A. Vogel

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  • Efficacy clinically proven
  • Organic cultivation certified by Bio Suisse
  • Gluten, sugar and lactose free
  • Tooth friendly

Clinically shown to help prevent and relieve the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections (common cold and flu) and shorten their duration. Used in Herbal Medicine to support the immune system, especially in times of stress and lack of sleep.



Medicinal ingredient:

Fresh Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)* Herb (5:1) 6.35 mg, equivalent to 31.7 mg of dried herb Root (5.5:1) 0.33 mg, equivalent to 1.8 mg of dried root
** Made with 400 mg of Fresh Echinacea tincture per tablet.

Non-medicinal ingredients:

Beta-cyclodextrin, natural form colloidal silicon dioxide, Magnesium Stearate, Natural orange flavour, Sorbitol

* Certified by Bio Suisse

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