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Plastic-free Safety Razor, starter kit with 5 blades
Plastic-free Safety Razor, starter kit with 5 blades
Plastic-free Safety Razor, starter kit with 5 blades
Plastic-free Safety Razor, starter kit with 5 blades
Plastic-free Safety Razor, starter kit with 5 blades
Plastic-free Safety Razor, starter kit with 5 blades
Regular price

Plastic-free Safety Razor, starter kit with 5 blades

Essence of Life Organics

Unit price per

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 2 billion razors and refill blades get tossed out in the U.S. each year.   Reduce that number with this sleek, solid brass safety razor made to last a lifetime. Economical and earth-friendly, this razor delivers a great shave and is surprisingly easy to use. It’s time to make the switch.

Glide over skin without applying any pressure–let the weight of the razor do the work for you.

Kit comes with 5 blades.  

Available in two colours, rose gold or matte black.  


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