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NOW Solutions Apricot Kernel Oil
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NOW Solutions Apricot Kernel Oil


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Skin can sometimes age faster than we do, resulting in irritated, leathery skin, or even dry, wiry hair. NOW Solutions Apricot Kernel Oil offers a natural remedy to signs of premature aging, restoring and protecting damaged areas.

Pure Apricot Kernel Oil is a rejuvenating natural oil that's ideal for softening appearance of fine lines and restoring a healthy glow to skin. Rich in essential fatty acids, this gentle oil has excellent restorative properties that promote soft, radiant hair and help to soothe irritated skin. Similar in structure and function to almond extracts, oils derived from apricot kernels will naturally nourish and moisturize your skin.


  • Treats prematurely aged skin and irritated skin
  • Softens Fine Lines
  • Treats Dry Hair
  • The apricot oil contained in this product is considered food grade
  • Expeller-Pressed and Hexane-Free

NOW® Solutions does not test on animals

Directions: As a body moisturizer, apply a few drops of Pure Apricot Kernel Oil to the desired area and gently massage.  For dry hair, place a couple drops into palm of your hand and work into hair strands. 

Ingredients: Apricot Oil

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