Pure-le Natural Liquid Greens Chlorophyll Super Concentrate Activated Charcoal Mint 450mL
- Therapeutic Grade
- Gluten-Free
- Vegan
- Kosher
- GMO-Free
- Great Tasting
- Natural Energy
- Gentle Detox
- pH Balance
- 0 (Zero) Calories
- Great Tasting
- Internal Deodorant
Great taste & detox meets great energy! – Liquid Greens Activated Charcoal Mint Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is the green pigment naturally produced by plants and algae and gives them their characteristic dark green color. Chlorophyll is critical for photosynthesis, the process by which sunlight is converted into chemical energy. As a healer chlorophyll’s action is remarkable. It is a potent antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals. It is a detoxifer, cleansing many toxins including aflatoxins (a class of carcinogens). It helps curb hunger, sip it after lunch, and before you know it will be quitting time and you’ll head home for dinner, without craving snacks or the dreaded energy drain at 2:00.
Activated charcoal is the natural detoxifying and energy booster. Together, chlorophyll and activated charcoal give you the energizing and detoxification power needed to stay on top of any hectic day.
Chlorophyll is an energizer, helping to open up airways to increase oxygen to your cells. This action helps athletes train harder, go further and recover faster. It also helps the rest of us go farther, all without any calories! Try it during your workout, you’ll love the results.
Two great detoxes, 1 amazing tasting product! We took our best selling Super Concentrated Liquid Greens Mint and added the detoxing power of activated charcoal.
Pure-lē Natural Liquid Greens Chlorophyll is both food and healer. As a source of health, it has no equal. Chlorophyll’s action as a healer is nothing short of remarkable. Time after time it has proven itself to be gentle to the body while it is devastating to infections.
Chlorophyll has been observed to combat deep-lying infections, cleanse open wounds, relieve chronic sinus conditions, and exile common colds. Chlorophyll is able to help the body because of its great mineral content. It is high in organic iron, potassium, magnesium, and copper. The iron in chlorophyll attracts oxygen, which aids in the treatment of anemia and rejuvenates the thyroid. Potassium plays a key role in good heart health while helping the body build and maintain muscle. Copper helps build the bloodstream and is vital for overall health. These minerals are naturally present within chlorophyll, allowing them to be readily absorbed by the body.
Chlorophyll has numerous health benefits. It is unique in nature in that it is both a gentle detoxifying cleanser (in fact it is the only cleanser of a class of common toxins known as aflatoxins) while at the same time being a calorie-free energizing tonic. Athlete’s cherish chlorophyll as It is a potent antioxidant, It also has the unique ability to increase energy without calories. By opening up the bronchial tubes, you are able to increase the volume of oxygen that you are able to take in, energizing your whole body. Additionally Liquid Greens Chlorophyll can aid the body in repairing tissue and injuries, a property that is effective for both internal and external injuries.
Activated Charcoal is created by controlled charring of the starting material and subjecting it to an oxidizing gas, i.e. air or steam, at exceptionally high temperatures. This dramatically enhances the absorptive power of the charcoal by developing an extensive internal network of fine absorbent pores in the material. Each gram of activated charcoal has a surface area of 32,000 Square Feet to trap toxins.
Activated Charcoal, on its own is a potent natural detox treatment used to trap a multitude of toxins and chemicals in the body, allowing them to be flushed out so your body doesn’t absorb them. It’s made from a wide variety of sources, but we only use the best sources which are coconut shells and bamboo. Activated charcoal enhances the detoxifying ability and energizing qualities of chlorophyll, making them ideal partners for your good health, your detox, your diet and your workout.
Try our Smooth Mint flavoured Chlorophyll with Activated Charcoal. There is 100mg of pure Chlorophyll in each tablespoon. It is ideal to add to water for an incredibly refreshing drink.
Pure-lē Natural Liquid Greens is great tasting, refreshing, bioavailable, water-soluble, kosher AND vegan!