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Dutchman's Gold Raw Honey 1 Kg
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Dutchman's Gold Raw Honey 1 Kg

Dutchman's Gold

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  • Unheated And Unpasteurized
  • Top Selling Honey Product
  • Only Lightly Filtered

The Dutchman's Gold Raw Honey is our top selling honey product.  This pure, Raw Honey is unheated and unpasteurized. It contains all of the wonderful compounds that nature intended including naturally occurring bee pollen, propolis and beeswax.

Produced by the 1500 hives of Dutchman's Gold Apiaries, this is our most popular honey product! Our Raw honey is just that - raw, unheated, unpasteurized and only lightly filtered. It contains all of the wonderful compounds that nature intended including natural bee pollen, royal jelly and beeswax. Solid at room temperature, this raw food is perfect on toast or bread or in recipes or tea. Popular with Raw Foodists and Foodies around the world. 


Guaranteed 100% Canadian honey.  No off-shore honey EVER.

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