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A.Vogel Allergy Relief 120 Tablets
A.Vogel Allergy Relief 120 Tablets
A.Vogel Allergy Relief 120 Tablets
A.Vogel Allergy Relief 120 Tablets
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A.Vogel Allergy Relief 120 Tablets

A. Vogel

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  • Sneezing
  • Itchy nose
  • Scratching throat
  • Burning eyes and lacrimation.
  • Sugar Free
  • Gluten Free

Allergy Relief eliminates the toxins that overload the immune system. It is therefore aimed at all types of allergies (rather than only hay fever) because it promotes a normalization of the immune system. Natural Allergy Relief can be taken a month before the hay fever season just as it can be taken a month before going on a holiday, where you know you will be facing known allergens and a possible change of diet.

Medicinal Ingredients

Ammi visnaga (Khella, ripe fruit) ...............................................................................1X
Aralia racemosa (American Spikenard, fresh root and rhizome)...............................2X
Cardiospermum halicacabum (fresh, aerial parts of the flowering plant)...................2X
Luffa operculata (whole fruit)......................................................................................6X
Okoubaka (dried bark of the branches).....................................................................2X
Larrea Mexicana (Gobernadora, leaf and young branch)..........................................2X
Galphimia glauca (dried leaf and inflorescence)........................................................3X

Non-medicinal Ingredients

Lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, starch.

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